Here you have a map showing the routes highlighted on which the species
was counted. As you drag the mouse across the map, the route number is
shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window. Clicking on a route
brings up information about the route.
The list in the pane on the left gives the routes on which the species
was counted, along with its frequency. This part shows the number of years
the route was run,
the number of years the species was counted on the route,
and the percentage of the years
the species was counted.
An asterisk (*) marks a route the location of which has been changed and
the route number is no longer used. The route is
not shown on the map, but the location is close
to the location of the route that supercedes it.
A link takes you to a list of the routes that
have been changed.
With the links you may navigate to a tabular list of the survey results
for the species, or to the statewide map of survey routes,
to a list of the survey routes, or to a list of species. From the survey
routes, you may review the results of the route.